Vidyajyothi Scheme Kerala Apply | Kerala Vidyajyothi Schee Online Registration | Vidya Jyothi Scholarship Online Application Form | Kerala Vidyajyothi Scholarship Registration 2024 | Vidyajyothi Scheme Application Status Check | Vidyajytohi Scheme Benefits & status
The Kerala Government has launched a new scheme which is known as the “Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme”.
This scheme is introduced to help all differently-abled people, those who are willing to continue their studies. In 2020 Chief Minister of Kerala with the help of the Social Justice Department (SJD) has launched this scheme.
When a state-wise Disability survey has done, it was found that around 7,79,793 differently-abled persons out of which 1,30,799 are below 18 years. So, in order to support these Physically Handicapped people Govt. of Kerala has taken the initiative to launch Vidyajothi Scheme.
Under this scheme, students who are physically handicapped and are disabled up to 40% will get financial assistance for their uniforms.
And along with that study material by the Department of Social Justice of Kerala. Through this scheme Kerala Govt. is helping students of class 9,10,11,12, ITI, VHSC, Polytechnic, Degree, Diploma, Post-Graduation scholars with disabilities.
This will help in making the bright future of all disabled students. Get complete process regarding Vidyajoyhi paddhati, scheme amount, and other details കേരള വിദ്യാജ്യോതി സ്കീം അപേക്ഷാ ഫോം മലയാളത്തിൽ. Benefits will be provided to the students from 9th standard to postgraduate.
In this article, we have given all information related to the Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme 2024 like How to register the Vidyajyothi scheme in Kerala state, eligibility criteria, and documents required. And step-by-step application procedure to apply online. If you want to take benefit from this scheme, then read the complete article till the end.
Quick Highlight On Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme
കേരള വിദ്യാജ്യോതി പദ്ധതി Apply Online- Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme 2024 Financial Aid for Uniforms and study materials to PH students. You can also do Vidya Jyothi scholarship Online Registration and Application form PDF Download. Check eligibility criteria, beneficiary list, benefits and payment/ amount status and Online Application status at the official web portal
കേരള വിദ്യാജ്യോതി Scheme Latest News Update
The Kerala State Cabinet has approved the Vidya Jyothi Scheme at the welfare of students with disability. The Kerala Government is going to provide financial help to every physically disabled student. So that they can purchase uniforms and study materials.
The Department of Social Justice of Kerala Govt. has started many scholarship schemes for physically disabled students. Due which the govt. of Kerala has started the Pre-Metric, Post-Metric, and Merit cum means Scholarship Schemes. Students of classes 9,10,11,12 and Graduate will get the award.
To help such students, Govt. of Kerala has taken this big step to ensure that every disabled student in the state who wants to continue their studies must benefit.
About Kerala Vidya Jyothi Scheme
The Social Justice Department of Kerala has introduced the Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme 2024 in August 2020 by the Kerala Govt. As per the guidelines of the scheme, financial help will be given to those students who have 40% or more than 40% disability.
The students of class 9th to Postgraduate will get benefit from this scholarship scheme. The financial help will be directly transferred to the bank accounts of eligible applicants through DBT mode (Direct Benefit Transfer).
For this plan, Kerala Government will give budgetary help to the disabled students of the state. The main target of Kerala Vidyajyothi is to uplift the understudies of disabled students.
From class 9th onwards the students can avail the benefit of this scheme. The priority will be given to the BPL class candidates who will be provided with uniforms and study material as per the class they are studying.
Under Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme all students who come under the eligibility criteria set by the authorities will get financial help. The govt. of Kerala will select the students district-wise to give a benefit. The selection of students will depend on their family background, academic record, and the disability level of the students.
In this article, we have discussed how you apply for the Kerala Vidyajyothi scheme, its benefits, main objective. What is the procedure to fill out the application form, what documents are required, and how to check the beneficiary list. Read the complete article to know the complete information regarding the Vidya Jyothi Scheme, Kerala.
Vidyajyothi Scheme of Kerala Overview
Name of Scheme | Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme |
in Malayalam | കേരള വിദ്യാജ്യോതി പദ്ധതി |
Introduced by | Kerala Government |
Beneficiaries | Disabled students |
Benefit | Financial aid for uniforms and study materials for PH students |
Main Objective | Providing scholarships and grants |
Scheme under | State Government |
State Name | Kerala |
Application Mode | Online/Offline |
Official Website | |
Main Objective of Kerala Vidya Jyothi Scheme 2024
The main objective of launching the Kerala Vidyajyothi scheme is to motivate and help the physical disable students of the Kerala state. By providing them uniform and study materials according to their studies, so that there will be no interruption in their education.
According to the data, around 1,30,799 are disabled under 18 years. This scheme is running in order to inspire them to complete their education with good marks.
The Department of Social Justice of Kerala Supports Disabled students of poor families. And this scheme helps to encourage the students to complete their education
The money gets directly transferred to the beneficiary account by DBT Mode. The government of Kerala’s main objective is to support Disabled students and make sure that they must complete their education. Because due to financial problems, many students drop their studies.
The aim is to support the PWD students of classes 9, 10, 11, 12, ITI, VHSC, Polytechnic, Degree, Diploma, Vocational courses, and Post Graduation degree. This scheme increases the value of education among the youth. All eligible applicants will get selected according to the data they will get.
Those who want to apply for the Kerala Vidyjyothi scheme must read the article till the end. We have given the complete procedure to apply for the Vidya Jyothi Scheme step-by-step.
Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme 2024
Different scholarships have been started by the Social Justice Department, Govt. of Kerala by keeping the students on focus. Likewise, the Govt. of Kerala has started the Pos metric, Pre-metric and Merit cum means scholarship scheme. In this scheme, students will get the scholarships from 9th class to their graduation degree.
Vidya Jyothi scheme is launched to help the disabled students of Kerala state. This scheme has been approved by the Government and those who want to apply for this scheme can apply it.
Department of Social Justice with the help of the Kerala Socal Security Mission has conducted the state-wide disability survey.
And as per the data records, there are near about 8 Lakh differently-abled persons out of which 1,30,799 persons are below 18 years of age. So to encourage and provide support to such people, Kerala Govt. is providing study materials and uniforms to special students.
Vidyajyothi Scheme Financial Amount Details
Below we have provided financial support to those students whose disability is 40% or above:
Course / Class | Assistance for Study materials | Assistance for Uniform |
9th to 10th Standard | @ Rs. 1000 each (50 children from each district) | @ Rs. 1500 (30 children from each district) |
+1, +2, ITI, Polytechnic, VHSC | @ Rs. 2000 each (50 children from each district) | @ Rs. 1500/- each (30 children from each district) |
Degree, Diploma, Professional Courses | @ Rs. 3000 each (25 children from each district) | Nil |
Post Graduation | @ Rs. 3000 each (20 children from each district) | Nil |
Number of Scholarships Under Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme
Course / Class | No. of Scholarship | |
Assistance with Study materials | Assistance for Uniform | |
9th to 10th Standard | 50 children from each district | 30 children from each district |
+1, +2, ITI, Polytechnic, VHSC | 50 children from each district | 30 children from each district |
Degree, Diploma, Professional Courses | 25 children from each district | Nil |
Post-Graduation | 20 children from each district | Nil |
Vidya Jyothi Kerala Scheme Eligibility Criteria
Those who want to apply for the Vidyajyothi scheme must check the eligibility criteria first. After satisfying the below eligibility criteria, then only you can apply for the scheme.
- The applicant must be a permanent resident of Kerala State.
- They must be studying in a Government School.
- It must belong to the BPL family.
- Applicants must be 40% or more disabled.
Documents Required For Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme
Those applicants who satisfy the above eligibility criteria must check the below mention list of documents required at the time of the application process.
- Disability Certificate
- Bank Passbook
- Recent passport-size photograph
- Duly filled application form checked by the head of the institution
- BPL Certificate
- Government school Certificate
Disabilities included under the Kerala Vidyajyothi scheme
- Low vision
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Blindness
- Acid attack victim
- Locomotor disability
- Leprosy cured person
- Intellectual disability
- Hearing impairment
- Dwarfism
- Chronic neurological conditions
- Cerebral Palsy
- Thalassemia
- Speech and language disability
- Specific learning disability
- Sickle cell anaemia
- Parkinson’s disease
- Muscular dystrophy
- Multiple sclerosis
- Multiple disabilities including deafblindness
- Mental illness
Kerala Financial Support for uniforms & study materials for PH students
From the latest survey, it has been found that there are near about 8 lakh people who are differently-abled, and out of that 1,30,799 are under 18 years of age. To provide financial support to such disabled people and to encourage them, Kerala Govt. will provide uniforms and study materials.
The government of Kerala has taken this big step to support the students of the state. So that they can complete their education properly. Because of financial disturbance, the students stop their studies. And Kerala Govt. main motto is to increase the educational value among the people.
This scheme will help in improving the economic value as well as the literacy ratio. Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme is launched specially for disabled students.
They will be given uniforms and all the study materials. And the award will be directly credited to their bank through DBT Mode. Continue reading the article for more information discussed below.
Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme Online Registration Procedure
The Department of Social Justice Kerala with the Kerala Social Security Mission has come up with a scheme. To uplift the educational system for physically handicapped students. Under this scheme students who are handicapped/disabled up to 40% will get financial aid for their study material and uniforms.
All eligible applicants who want to apply for this scheme, must read the below instructions carefully and follow the steps to apply online application form.
🔶 Kerala Social Security Mission: Download Application Form & Eligibility
Application Procedure To Apply For Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme 2024
In order to apply online for the application of Kerala Vidyajyothi scheme 2024, follow the below-mentioned steps carefully.
- First, visit the official website of Social justice Kerala.
- The homepage will appear on the screen, click on the ” Scheme” option.

- You can also directly click on the link given here.

- You will get redirected to the new page.
- Now here on your screen list of schemes will get available.
- Click on the “Vidyajyothi Scheme- Financial Aid for Uniforms and Study Materials to PH Students”.
- The details of the scheme will appear on the screen.
- Now, visit the Documents section.
- Click on the option – Application Forms- Financial Aid for uniforms and study materials to PH students

- Application form PDF will get downloaded on your screen.
- Fill up the application form carefully.
- And attach all the required documents asked.
- You can submit the application form to the concerned authorities.
Procedure to check Beneficiary List Of Kerala Vidyajyothi Scheme
If you want to check the beneficiary list, then follow the following mention steps.
- Visit the official web portal of Kerala Vidyajyothi.
- The official homepage will appear on the screen.
- Now, click on the ” Target Group” option.
- Further click on the link called beneficiary details displayed in front of the differently-abled option

- Select your Financial year and district name.
- A list of beneficiaries will display on your screen.
Important Links
Financial Assistance pdf Link | Click Here |
Application Form pdf Link | Click Here |
Beneficiary List Link | Click Here |
Official Site Link | Click here |
Contact Details
- Helpline Number- +914712306040, +914712302887
- Email Id- [email protected]
Subscribe for the latest scheme information
YouTube | Click Here |
Telegram | Click Here |
Click Here |
Vidya Jyothi Scheme (Conclusion)
Vidyajyothi scholarship services and all other information are available in this article. Benefits of this portal, important required documents, registration process and SJD Kerala gov in application form process etc. If you have any issues with this website you can contact on helpline number which is available on the Vidyajyothi portal.
From this Scheme, the Kerala government provides financial support by giving study material and uniforms to the selected applicants. The pupils of the 9th standard to postgraduate level can take advantage of this scheme.
To provide financial assistance for the purchase of uniforms and study materials to physically handicapped students.
No, to apply for this scheme you have to submit proof that you belong to a BPL family.
The main aim of the Vidyajyothi Scheme in Kerala is to provide full support to the academics of students with disabilities.
You just need to visit the official Portal and Click on the Application Form. The application form link is also provided on our Website.
Aadhar Card or any other government Id proof, passport size photograph, Bank details with a copy of the passbook, BPL certificate (If applicable), 40% or more disability certificate.
According to the official notification, the following disabilities are mentioned in the portal: Locomotor disability, Autism spectrum disorder, Cerebral disability, Low vision, Chronic neurological conditions, Specific learning disability, Person healed from Leprosy, Thalassemia, Multiple disabilities including deafblindness, Hearing impairment, Blindness, Multiple sclerosis, etc.
For 9th or 10th: 1500/- Rs and 1000/- Rs. for uniform and study material respectively.
For 11, 10+2, VHSC ITI, Polytechnic: 1500/- Rs. and 2000/- Rs. for uniform and study material respectively.
Diploma, Professional Courses, Graduate: 3000/- Rs. to each applicant (25 applicants of each district) for their Study material.
Post Graduation: 3000/- Rs. to each applicant (25 candidates of each district) for their Study material.
The applicant must be a permanent resident of Kerala State.
They must be studying in a Government School.
It must belong to the BPL family.
Applicants must be 40% or more disabled.